


1.vmware 安装的时候需要加参数 x11i=fbdev 安装,10以后就不用了。
2.不要用图形模式安装,按F2选 text.

Novel solution:

TIP: Can't Perform a GUI based Install
Environment VMware Workstation Version: 4.5.2 build-8848Host OS: Windows XPGuest OS: OES/SLES9sp2
Problem After selecting "Installation" from the initial Blue screen/menu the screen turns into a purple screen with either 2 or 4 duplicated consoles each with small green text that is hard to read. There is also an error message displayed that will not allow a GUI install.
Solution Here are some options:
Option 1 - Text-based Install Before selecting "Installation" from the blue boot menu, change to the mode to Text using F2. The install will start in Text mode. It is just like the GUI/YaST based install. Later you can install VMware Tools to get the GUI running locally in VMware.
Option 2 - GUI Install via VNC You can use "Boot Options" that will start VNC so you can run the GUI/YaST install portion of the install from either a VNC viewer or a browser. Later you can install VMware Tools to get the GUI running locally in VMware. To install via VNC:
Before selecting "Installation" from the Blue boot menu, add the following text to the "Boot Options": vnc=1 vncpassword=novell This will 1) enable vnc and 2) set the vncpassword to novell When the install is ready it will display the info you need to connect using VNC. e.g. Browser URL: "http://http://ip_address":5801
Misc Install Tips - If you select a "default" SLES 9 install, you should also install the gcc, gcc-devel, and kernel-source packages. These are needed for VMware Tools installation. - I recommend that you enable VNC remote administration so you can get to the GUI remotely. This may come in handy if you have problems with the X-server running locally in your VM.

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